About Us

Welcome back to our blog! We are Melanie Swider Wenz and Christine Neskie and this blog is full of literacy tips, tools, and resources! Follow us on instagram at TwoReflectiveTeachers. 

Melanie Swider Wenz: 
I am currently a Language Arts Consultant and have been teaching for over 20 years. Prior to this position, I taught 4th and 5th grade in my school district. Literacy is one of my greatest passions in life and I am an avid reader of children's books and professional books. I love creating literacy tools, teaching reading strategies, and helping readers grow their thinking! 

Christine Neskie:
I am currently a Third Grade teacher, entering my 18th year in education. During those 18 years I have taught Kindergarten through Sixth Grade and have been a Language Arts Consultant.  Sharing and learning new literacy practices is a passion of mine.


  1. Hey Mel! It's me.....Kelly O'Dell. Your partner in crime at The University of Hartford. I love this Blog! I'm going to share it with the Cherry Brook teachers. I'm on FB- I tried finding you. Here is my e-mail address: kellyodell3@yahoo.com I'd love to catch up and hear how you are doing.
    Miss you

  2. Hello Melanie and Melanie, Just stumbled upon your blog while looking for Confer resources. I was so happy to find it. I am the new master technology teacher for my district and just started blogging. Your blog is a great inspiration to me. Our district is also starting with reading and writing workshop this year. I would love to share your blog with my teachers on my blog. Would that be ok? Thanks, Jeanine Gottko

    1. Hi Jeanine, of course you can share our blog with your teachers! So glad you came across our blog and find it helpful.
      Thank you!
      Melanie S.

  3. Thank you for summarizing so well your take fabulous weekend. I love learning and sharing and your website and this information will be discussed this week at my school, thank you ! xo

  4. Hi Ladies,
    Thanks for your blog. I am teaching in a classroom (4th grade) after 10 years as a consultant and I'm so grateful for blogs like yours. I'm sure you're aware of what's out there- a real mixed bag. I came for your review of the Confer app (I'm trying to figure out if I can have the same child in more than one group with this app, which is pretty essential. I'm currently stuck in giant-binder-mailing-label-random-slip-of-paper craziness). But I stayed awhile to explore other posts.
    Stephanie Parsons

    1. Hi Stephanie,
      Hope you are enjoying teaching 4th grade - I taught 4th before 5th and loved it!
      Yes, you can absolutely use the Confer app to form small groups - that is one feature about the app that I love and use all the time. You can form a small group a couple different ways. One way is by clicking on the "Group" icon on the bottom portion of the screen and click +add new group. Once you click that, you can name the group and then put a check mark in the box to the left of the student names that you want in that group. To add a note for multiple students for a partner conference or table conference, you can click on the box to the left of the student names and then click add note in the upper right corner. Whatever you type in for the note will automatically go into each individual student at once. It saves so much time! Please let me know if you have any other questions as you play around with the app and start using it. Thank you :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I absolutely love your blog and just signed up to receive updates. Thank you for sharing your learning.

  7. I READ" each" blog that you send carefully. Many blogs I just skim. I wait until I know I can sit quietly with a cup of coffee to read the detailed thought provoking items you send. Thank you for giving me delicious points to ponder. Old dogs can learn new tricks to impact students. Thank you.

  8. Weird...Melanie Meehan was my maiden name, lol!

  9. Melanie! I haven't seen you since our UMASS days! I'll be at the Saturday reunion in March, if you'll be there let's connect!

  10. Hi Melanie ,

    My name is Anuj Agarwal. I'm Founder of Feedspot.

    I would like to personally congratulate you as your blog Two Reflective Teachers has been selected by our panelist as one of the Top 100 Upper Elementary Blogs on the web.


    I personally give you a high-five and want to thank you for your contribution to this world. This is the most comprehensive list of Top 100 Upper Elementary Blogs on the internet and I’m honored to have you as part of this!

    Also, you have the honor of displaying the badge on your blog.

