Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Slice of Life-The Pace of May

Every Tuesday,  the inspirational writers of Two Writing Teachers host Slice of Life. All are welcome to participate by linking up posts or commenting on other participants. 

My percolation about the craziness of May turned into somewhat of a poem. I wasn't expecting that!

Calendars brim,
The pace quickens,
The hallways vibrate.

Ask someone "How are you?"

Maybe there's time to answer.
Maybe not.
Maybe there's time to hear the response.
Possibly not. 

Last minute lessons, 
Down-to-the-wire assignments, 
Endless assessments.

And after the day, when the last bus leaves,
There's more. 
Banquets and concerts 
Recitals and games 
Parties and meetings, 
Celebrations and promotions and graduations and tournaments. 

And we still need dinner and snacks and homework help and sleep.
And sleep. 

Take a breath. 
Ask that question.
Listen to that answer.
Slow down enough.
Yes, slow down.

Happy Slicing,


  1. Bingo. You captured the crazy month of May perfectly here. Trying to pace myself. Good luck with all of it. I love that your writing evolved into a poem and that surprised you.

  2. Bingo. You captured the crazy month of May perfectly here. Trying to pace myself. Good luck with all of it. I love that your writing evolved into a poem and that surprised you.

  3. Someone else told everyone to 'saunter'. Like your slow down, I understand, but am sorry that May just doesn't wait. fun that you ended with a poem, Melanie.

  4. The actual pace of the poem was quick, like this month of May. Today is my last day. After all the craziness of end-of-the-year, I am heading to the lake for a slower pace.

  5. Melanie, I really thought you summed up the month of May school-wise. Would you consider the last stanza with a digital photo as an offering for my spring gallery? (The invitation is at: http://beyondliteracylink.blogspot.com/2016/05/spring-gallery-invitation.html)

  6. This is a busy time of year. Thanks for the reminder to SLOW DOWN. I needed this today.
