Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Using Google Drive for Book Clubs

Since we have been embracing Google Drive this year in our classroom and trying to use it in as many ways as possible, I decided to try using it for book clubs too.

Last week, my students were grouped into book clubs and they selected at least three social issue books, during our book pass, that they were interested in reading during this unit.  Usually, the next step is for each book club to complete a "book club contract" and fill out a calendar of how many pages/chapters they will read for each conversation day (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday).  These documents are usually on paper and then we have to make photocopies so each member as all the information and that they put them in a safe place so they don't lose them (which some still do...).

Yesterday, I ventured into using Google Drive for these documents instead and it was fabulous!  I uploaded the documents to Google Drive and shared them with the whole class.  During reading workshop, each book club had one laptop and went onto Google Drive to complete the contract and set up their calendars for their first two books. They shared these documents with one another and with me.  Now students can access their calendars and any other planning sheets for their book club conversations at home without having to worry about forgetting it at school or misplacing them - why didn't I think of this sooner for book clubs!

Most book clubs decided yesterday that they will have one laptop available during their conversations to use Google Drive - stay tuned to hear how they are going to use it!

I would love to hear how others are using Google Drive with students during book clubs so please share!  Stay tuned to hear more about how we are using Google Drive during our book club units.


  1. We create groups in google apps and students can write posts about the book. This gets them writing.

  2. We also use Google Drive for book clubs - we assign roles (like Discussion Director, Summarizer, Quote Gatherer) and students have to record the information related to their jobs before the meeting. This enables us (teachers) to preview their plans and insert our own comments/questions if needed to help scaffold the discussions. Kids are very engaged with this format. Our students are fifth and sixth graders.

    1. My kids started to use Google Drive during their conversations today to help plan for their conversation, record ideas they discussed in conversation, and began planning for their next conversation on Friday - they loved using it for this!

  3. Aren't book clubs fun? I upload background information into my Google drive so that my students can access information that will help them in their various book club genres. Right now I have information for their historical fiction selections....this way they can clarify information and also frame issues for book club discussions. Thanks for sharing your ideas, Melanie!

  4. So, I love the fact you all are doing this. I use Drive a lot, but I'm not sure if any of my teachers do. How do you get around students needing accounts? I know I can research this, but thought you all would know what you did. Thanks for the boost that you love it & it works. This helps my arguments for it a lot!

    1. Hi Linda, Below are the links to my posts that I wrote awhile ago about setting up my students with Google Drive accounts so check those out below and maybe they will help. Each student has a Google account and we use Drive for a lot during reading and writing workshop. Check out the posts below and let me know if you have any other questions - I am happy to help in any way I can! :)


    2. Thank you, thank you Melanie. They will be so helpful!

  5. Linda, I've gotten around account issue by having one student account set up ahead that I can log student into as needed. I use Drive often, but I still have a handful of students who want/need printed copies. Do you run into that too? Your club connections to social issues reminds of a new book I recently previewed that you might like: Caring Hearts & Crititical Minds by Steven Wolk.

  6. Hi Lee Ann, I have heard about that professional book - I will have to check it out this weekend!
    Each student has their own Google Drive account through the school and use it so I don't run into that same problem of printing copies for a handful of students this year. This year, all students have embraced it and prefer using their Google Drive account instead of Word, flash drives, or pen/paper.

  7. I am using Google Apps more and more with my kids. I haven't used them for book clubs and love the idea. I am currently using them as they complete research projects and get ready to create web pages with their information. They are typing their information into drive which has been shared with me. That way I can make comments and give them feedback from anywhere. I think it will help in the revision process. I will also ask the students to share their docs with a few other people in their writing groups for peer feedback. We'll see how it goes.

    I'm going to try using them for book clubs when we get back from spring break. Great idea!

    1. Hi Julie, My kids also used them during our nonfiction research projects and it was so helpful for them to collaborate on the same documents at once and not have to be in the same room to do it. I love being able to read their work and give them comments from wherever I am - so convenient! I'd love to hear more about the web pages you are having your kids create with their research.

  8. Thanks Julie & Lee Ann for your own way of doing things too. I talked with our tech guy & we have an Apple Wiki that might serve the same purpose. We're going to work with it after break. I'll research more about Drive, too. I use it, but am really not sure any other teachers do. Many are still not very friendly with tech-arrgh!

  9. I read this post earlier this week, but did not get around to responding....but I have been thinking about this,...It's my nuber one vacation project! THANK YOU for making the idea tangible rather than just an idea floating in my mind

    1. You are welcome! Please let me know if you have any questions at all as you are working on it during vacation - I am happy to help in any way I can :)
