Each week the Slice of Life is hosted by the writers and teachers of Twowritingteachers.wordpress.com. Many bloggers write slices each week that you can read by following the links from the comments, or feel free to join in on the slicing!
First of all, I want to thank all of you who have blogged about your experiences at NCTE. I have spent the time that I should be writing curriculum reading many of your posts and reflections. Good it's a long weekend...
I loved reading Tara Smith's post and hearing about some of the wisdom that educators shared as they paid tribute to Don Graves. What a legacy he leaves and thank you, Tara, for sharing so much of what was said by so many other education idols.
Linda Baie always has a way of tying learning together with what is really important and mattering at this moment. While it was wonderful to hear a little about the adventures of roommates Tara and Linda, thank you also for sharing some of the thoughts of nonfiction authors. I'm looking forward to reading about more of your NCTE reflections.
I laughed at some of the reflections of Gigi McAllister. If I make it to NCTE on an airplane, I will definitely remember her advice to pack an extra bag or to think about shipping all of the ARC books. I will also make sure that I bring my motrin and my granola bars.
Catherine Flynn shared a wonderful poem and her thanks to many of the presenters. Knowing Catherine, this will be the first of several NCTE reflections and I can't wait to read all about Catherine's learning experiences. She's a wonderful sharer of learning!
There were also so many meaningful tweets coming out of Boston all weekend, and when I had time, I checked in as much as I could. I have also spent time tonight going through the #NCTE13 hashtag. There are many links and words of wisdom in these, so if you are not spending the entire weekend cooking and shopping, I recommend scrolling through some of them. I'm sharing some of my favorites so far...
Thanks again for sharing some of the learning with the non-attenders. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Perhaps next year, Melanie? So glad that you began with Kate's tweet of Chris' words. That was such an inspiring team, and I have a post coming up devoted just to them - they were the best presentation at NCTE. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
ReplyDeleteI guess I'll just echo Tara's comment-that presentation was awesome. And, not only thanks for the mention but thanks for pulling these wonderful tweets out-some I remember (Chris L. re-tweeted me-I was in awe!) & others are great to keep in my notebook. I've taught many years, but NCTE was another experience of learning more. I'm guessing you're receiving much from all of this too, Melanie-what a learner! Happy Thanksgiving!
ReplyDeleteTara & Linda are right: Chris, Kate & Maggie were awesome! Thank you so much, Melanie, for including my post in your recap. I've been reading many of them this evening, too. I'll be thinking of you as I'm working on curriculum this weekend! Happy Thanksgiving!
ReplyDeleteYou captured many great tweets in you post. Even though I was there, I felt like I was still missing out. Some sessions were scheduled on top of other sessions...and then there's the lure of the exhibit hall-seeing all of those books and meeting authors and getting books signed-and then experiencing the learning with a friend so you can connect in real time about what you're learning. Just an incredible experience...