Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Poetry Writing in Our Classroom

One of my favorite writing units during the year is our poetry unit and students always enjoy it too! For the past couple weeks, we have been writing lots of poems using a variety of strategies.  I like to teach and model various strategies to give students a whole "toolbox" of strategies they can choose from as they write their own poems.  Below you will find two of our class charts listing the strategies I have been modeling so far and that students have used in these two weeks.  

During each mini lesson, I first model how I used the strategy to write my own poem and then we work as a whole group to write a class poem using the strategy, during the active engagement part of the mini-lesson.  Students have been using Google Drive to write their own poems and love sharing them with their writing partners and with me to get feedback/comments.  Students have all created a poetry folder within their writing folder in their digital portfolio on Google Drive and have a large collection of poems using a variety of strategies.  

Bulletin board where students share their poems - they pin them underneath the type of strategy they used as a poet

Bulletin board displaying poems students wrote about an important photo 

Stay tuned to hear more about our poetry writing during this unit! :)


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